Practical informations

The conference


The conference is free of charge. Please note that the conference does not cover travel or accommodation expenses for participants.

Conference registration: go to the conference management platform and create an account!

The workshops are also free of charge, but the number of participants is limited.

Workshop registration: informations and registration here.


The conference takes place in the Synathlon building, on the campus of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

See general map and campus map

It’s just 200 meters from the shores of Lake Geneva, whose beaches stretch for several kilometers: don’t forget your bathing suit!

There are several food options on campus, in nearby buildings (5-8 minutes’ walk). A meal usually costs around CHF 8-15, a sandwich around CHF 5-9.

Campus map

Online participation

The conference is an on-site event, but the sessions will be streamed on Zoom. You need to register for the conference (select “online”) to access the virtual rooms.



The University of Lausanne campus is well served by the M1 metro line. The journey takes about ten minutes from the city center (Lausanne-Flon stop) to the university (UNIL-Chamberonne stop) and costs CHF 3.70 (one-way full fare). Note that if you booked a room in a hotel in Lausanne, you’re entitled to free travel on our public transport system! When you arrive at your hotel, don’t forget to ask for your “Lausanne transport card”.

Lausanne is well integrated into the rail network, with excellent TGV connections from Paris in the West, EuroCity from Milan in the East, and ICE from the North, via Basel or Zurich. The nearest international airport is in Geneva, a 45min-1h train ride from Lausanne.


The conference has no specific recommendations for accommodation. Note that Lausanne is a place where the mountains meet the lake, and the city is therefore very steep: give preference to accommodation close to the M2 metro line (the city’s vertical spine). The campus is located outside the city, so there are few hotels directly on site, but the metro makes accommodation in the city absolutely convenient.


We have also prepared a map with suggestions for walks and places to see! Click here to open a larger version and click on the points and routes to find out more.